Successful strategy check

Michael N. Wilkens has helped DOT A/S to obtain a thorough strategy check of the business.

DOT A/S is a full service supplier of surface treatment. They service customers, often subsuppliers, by galvanizing or painting their products. As such, the company is a typical subsupplier for the subsupplier. They do not sell their own product but carry out the surface treatment of others. Today, DOT A/S has seven production facilities at their disposal - five in Denmark and two in Sweden. In addition, they are approx. 550 employees.

Henrik Steen Jørgensen is the Managing Director.

Michael N. Wilkens was invited together with other consultancy companies, since they wanted to have a strategy check of the company. Henrik Steen Jørgensen had a good impression of Michael and engaged him to carry out the process.

“He seemed to know the model as his own, he was a likeable person and we had a good dialogue with him,” explains Henrik Steen Jørgensen.


Henrik Steen Jørgensen

Why have a strategy check?

The purpose of having a strategy check in DOT A/S was double-sided. First of all, we wanted to agree on the future direction internally in the board of directors. Secondly, we wanted to improve our ability to present the future ambitions and action plans to the venture capital firm which owns the company.

In recent years, DOT A/S has expanded. They have acquired a powder lacquering company and they have acquired their largest competitor in Denmark. As a result, it is also important for the board of directors to have clarified how these investments fit into the future and how to prioritize.

Henrik Steen Jørgensen, Quote 1

“It was important for us that we sat down and discussed our options and said: Is it growth we want? Is it consolidation or development of a new leg? What is important?” says Henrik Steen Jørgensen.

A good starting point for the future

The end of it was that Michael N. Wilkens was engaged to carry out a two-day workshop followed by a session with factory and sales managers from the organization. Henrik Steen Jørgensen has been very pleased with the process.

“I believe that we have a fantastic starting point to move forward,” he explains. “I think that the process was interesting, creative and well facilitated.”

The participants were also happy with the process.

“People were excited about it and it was well discussed. It was a good dialogue with inventiveness and creativity present,” he tells.

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Henrik Steen Jørgesen is therefore already recommending Michael N. Wilkens to other companies. He has been satisfied with the process and he trusts that Michael N. Wilkens can help other businesses.

When he talks to them, he says: “We had a facilitator who knew every inch of the models but who also quickly gained insight into our business, our supply chain, our owner mentality and other aspects of our company. He is an intelligent man. And the process is also quite down-to-earth. It never becomes too high-flying and we like that.”

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